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Adventure in my veins
This is a career different from the rest. check out how much you are game for a vocation that promises you adrenaline rush and thrills by the second.Can you fly like Icarus, but without burning your wings? Or be at an arm’s length from a shark, without becoming its hors d’oeuvre? If yes, then maybe adventure tourism is your calling in life.
Read MoreIndia takes to extreme sports
NEW DELHI, India — Every weekend, 30-year-old Vaibhav Mehta — India's first full-fledged professional climber — hits the rocks outside Mumbai, keeping himself fit for more difficult route-setting expeditions on unexplored cliff faces. But over the past few years leading up to his sponsorship deal with France's Petzl, Mehta has noticed a curious phenomenon.
Read MoreNo brakes on rising number of vehicles
Dehradun, November 7 Already bursting at the seams due to rising traffic, Dehradun roads are in for more trouble if one goes by the number of cars being added to the city’s vehicular population each year.
Read MoreNew tango at 60
Turning 60? Time to sit back and relax, let life drift on slowly? Not anymore. After all, life begins at 60! There's lots to do - take a long-desired trip to Turkey, learn the finer points of salsa, take a desert safari in Dubai, raft on the Brahmaputra, buy the latest sedan. It's yesterday once more for grandpa and ma.
Read MoreMid-rung CXOs get hooked
MUMBAI: At work, Garry Singh helps many companies handle risk. He is the VP, Asia, of Pinkerton, a corporate risk management firm. But while on vacation, Singh embraces extreme danger. This October, Singh will jump off a Cessna plane at about 9,000 metres --a little above Everest's summit --with an oxygen tank, and land at Syang Boche at 3,600 metres,
Read MoreThe mountain goat
Call it the need to be fitter or the desire to have some adventure packed into holidays, Indians are making sure that their travel plans combine a mix of fitness and leisure. So organising trips with a rigorous fitness itinerary is not so uncommon anymore for the enthusiastic traveller.
Read MoreWelcome to adventure travel!
A middle-aged man teeters dangerously on the edge of steep rock face. Then suddenly someone clutches at his rucksack and yanks him back on to the narrow trail. He heaves a sigh of relief, wipes the sweat off his face and hugs his daughter who pulled him to safety. In short, trekking is an amazing experience but can prove to be the shortcut to heaven.
Read MoreCII holds outreach progr...
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Uttarakhand, in association with Treks ‘n Rapids Private Limited, organised a two-day residential outreach-training programme on “Team Building and Leadership Skills” at Aranyam River Retreat, Rishikesh, yesterday.
Read MoreSummer escapades
When Dhruv S., a Class VII student, went for a snake walk in the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust (MCBT), it opened up a whole new world for him. “We were accompanied by guides and two members of the local Irula tribe, who track and catch venomous snakes to make anti-venom solutions.
Read MoreIn Search Of Adventure
It's still a small niche within the tourism industry. But several young execs are quitting regular jobs to turn adventure entrepreneurs, giving the sector a huge boost.They are all well qualified; many of them have engineering and management degrees. But they still decided to take the road less travelled to chase their passion.
Read MoreTake the plunge
Cliff jumping and fun' You bet. Much as you shake your head at the unnerving thought, you can’t shake the sport away. It’s the latest in the adventure sport bandwagon to have caught the fancy of young India. Corporate wizkids and adventure enthusiasts are making a beeline for tour
Read MoreAs economy booms, India
NEW DELHI, India — Every weekend, 30-year-old Vaibhav Mehta — India's first full-fledged professional climber — hits the rocks outside Mumbai, keeping himself fit for more difficult route-setting expeditions on unexplored cliff faces.
Enough with the beach bods and sunny seasides. Strap those boots and get the woollens out for a snowy or a green retreat in the Himalayas. Team Viva finds out about picturesque trekking expeditions being offered this season. Remember when nerdy Deepika Padukone in Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani decided to let go and take it easy for once as she hopped on a train to
Read MoreCXOs Get Hooked to Adventure Holidays
At work, Garry Singh helps many companies handle risk. He is the VP, Asia, of Pinkerton, a corporate risk management firm. But while on vacation, Singh embraces extreme danger. This October, Singh will jump off a Cessna plane at about 9,000 metres --a little above Everest’s summit
Read MoreAdrenaline rush: India Inc
MUMBAI|BANGALORE: Manoj Chougule (53), manager audit at Godrej, nurtured a dream of exploring the European continent on his bicycle. Last September, his dream came true, when Chougule received Rs 1.5 lakh under a programme called Godrej LOUD.
Read MoreUTV Bloomberg Interview